negueira and its wines
Come to know Negueira de Muñiz through its wines and wineries.
Negueira de Muñiz through a different experience.
Whether your passion is viticulture or simply a desire to relax in the middle of nature, Wine Tourism is an option that we offer you to enjoy rural tourism in this paradise in the Lugo mountain that is part of the Natura 2000 Network and the Red de Biosphere reserves.
Family wineries on the slopes of the Navia River around the Salime reservoir, they will show you ancient vineyards that were recovered and the work carried out in their facilities, where traditional methods are mixed with modernity, at the same time that you discover impressive landscapes and you delve into wine history discovering the heritage that surrounds them.
Visit the Negueira de Muñiz wineries.
Plan a getaway and visit the wineries of our municipality to savor the wine in the typical “chunk” that was used to drink or transfer the wine or arrange a tasting of the renowned and highly aromatic Atlantic wines. Have a picnic contemplating the valley and the steep slopes where the vines settle or take the opportunity to take a tour of the environment full of nature and tranquility that will pleasantly surprise you.